Wednesday, 14 March 2012

I often find myself questioning, that why do we let these wild imagination skills overpower us when we know that it is far from reality. Sitting under this adorned ocean of stars there is absolutely nothing that we are getting out of it! It is so much like bringing your hopes up so high and then watching them get buried under the sand because you know they are impossible, in it's true sense.
And no, I do not talk of ambitious dreams. Dreams that will cross your path, continue to inspire you and maybe one day lead you to glory. Definitely not those. Because these dreams are actually worth every second you invest in them. They might just be more helpful than the 'wise' talk of those sermonising people, in other words, their hopeless free advice.
I speak of the tiny hopes we keep at the bottom of our hearts. The one that keeps us alive every second wishing that what we want happens.
You know how it is. An old lady sitting on her bed in the last room in an old age home wishing one of her sons might just welcome her back. A schoolboy coming late to the bus stop and still hoping that the bus hasn't gone yet.
Silly, aren't they? But moments like these create memories we cherish, and these memories create a majority part of out lives. Thus, I think I got my answer. We do not keep hoping for these little joys because we desperately want them to come true. And we certainly don't want them to shatter us when we crash and fall. But we only make them such a significant part because we know it will give us an adventure daily, it will spare us from the daily rat-race, it will make us thing wonders and then later laugh about them, it will keep us wishing for better in life and for some it will carry them forward on the road, it would make us realise what nincompoops we are and at the same time we would know what makes us the happiest. But most of all it would keep us all hoping. IT MIGHT BE OF ZILCH MEANING TOMORROW BUT TODAY IT'S WHAT MAKES OUR WORLD!

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