Saturday, 19 May 2012

It's always either Everybody or Nobody

We all have been fortunate enough to be gifted with ears. Yes, ears. Sounds silly, right? We all have ears, what's the big deal in that? Of course there's a big deal! What we know today is because of what we hear, what we are today is because of what someone told us, what we speak today is maybe because we heard someone utter the same. Then how are ears not responsible for anything? Failure or success. They stick their big fat nose in everything. People today are such sermonising idiots! They piss me off. Everyone has something irrelevant to say. And I do, too. Then how do we generally decide who to listen to? Everyone rambles. Just wait till you're under a pile of bullshit and watch how everyone has some piece of advice to offer. And I, personally, don't think that's in the best interest of the one in crisis. They just talk. They tell you what they would do if they were in the same situation. They tell you what they did when they had been through the same. All in all, they tell you what is the best way to tackle the situation for themselves and expect you to do the same. With all due respect sir, we are not the same people and I am sure your way is perfect but I don't think I can go about it like that. 
But then there's a conflict! You always need help. Always need a few words of wisdom to make better decisions. Then what's the real way? Is it about putting on your headphones and doing what you wish or is it solemnly listening to everyone who comes and barfs out whatever they think is right for you? I think it's about filtering. It's about listening and not always reacting. It's about making your decisions first and then cross-checking it with what your well-wishers have to say say. And it's also about, having the right amount of brains to come back to people's jibber-jabber when your way didn't bear fruit.
Because those who failed either listened to everybody or never listened to anybody.

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