Saturday, 22 March 2014

A Quest

I met him on the corner of my untouched thoughts which were surfacing for the millionth time, victimized by my ignorance. He was mean and brutal but one of a kind. He refused to stop talking and I found myself unable to walk away, only because his words possessed a certain irrefutability which even my ignorance could not overpower. So I heard him all throughout and concluded that he was searching. Searching like the pirates in the sea, like a honeybee among the flowers, like a mother who took her eyes off her son for a second or the others who walk down the street with a profoundly unfed thirst.
But searching for what? Meaning? Purpose? Answer? They're all looking for one or the other.
But what does each one lead to?
Each one may lead to a strong feeling of connection with something each one desires or wants, maybe? Or maybe it's the heart's hunger? I wouldn't say 'soul', because soul is such an abstract concept. It means something different to every person. Each soul has it's own words to describe it. Besides, I think 'soul' is exploited way too much without pure understanding.
So yes, belonging. But why particularly belonging? I'd like to explain this in Dilip Chitre's words,
"Man's estrangement from a man-made world."
We all lack a sense of connection, not just with each other but with ourselves. And I know I just said the most cliche thing ever but I believe it's true. Things have changed, obviously. With a number of debates on 'Technology: A boon or Bane' rising, it has become clear that we're all struggling in that aspect of our lives. Aimless sauntering of curious minds is no more possible due to the overburdening of it by a lot of 'shit', in a metaphoric sense of course. With a very few real relationships and the explicitly dangerous world passing along at such a fast pace, it is difficult to keep the paranoia under a wrap.
So what does one do? One succumbs to confinement in different ways. And it's all downhill from thereon.

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