Saturday 19 May 2012

Life is full of Question marks

Why is it always a miracle, a star?
Some make sense, while some don't.
But they are still there.
Upon which we wish when things are far.
Why are always the dark clouds blamed?
For rain, which can never be tamed.
Why is it always our self that faults?
When we are yet to taste the varietal salts.
Why do we always wait for someone to utter?
For the right moment, to flush and flutter.
Why is there a dream so flawless, pure pretense?
When even the most bonny rainbows have an end.
Why there exists a bragger on street?
When he is aware of every erroneous greet.
Why do we curse misfortune so much?
When we have learnt a lesson always as such!
Why do we question the living entity?
But secretly hope a fairytale, that's no sanity.
Why do we blame all because of one?
When the moon is overshadowed by the sun.
Why do we love, then fall, then hate?
Then sit back and continue to contemplate.

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